Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Cassandra's Reflection

I have learned alot about our current event topic on childhood nutrition and obesity. Childhood obesity is a growing epidemic in our country. In 1980, seven percent of the children aged 6 to 11 were obese and in 2008,  twenty percent of children aged 6 to 11 were obese. In 2008, more than one third of the children and adolescents were obese. To be considered obese one must, have a Body Mass Index over 30. Being obese can result in a variety of issues for younger children. These children can suffer from cardiovascular problems, joint problems, high blood pressure, and social problems. The Healthy Kids Act was passed in 2010. Under this act, physical activity requirements and nutritional standards were created. The children would have access to healthier foods within the school. This act was a step in the right direction in attempts to trying to decrease childhood obesity.

Nutrition and the presence of obesity is a topic that children should be aware of. Children should be taught about how eating certain foods will help their body function properly. They should also understand that not eating healthily can take a huge toll on their bodies. Children should be taught ways to stay active as a means of trying to prevent obesity. Children stay inside too often playing video games, they need to be taught creative exericse activities that they will enjoy doing! This issue can be presented to children by discussing the prevalence of obesity as well as malnutrition in the United States and other countries. I think it would be a great idea for children to be aware of the two extremes of being unhealthy.


A great service learning project to do with the children is having them go to a farm to see where  vegetables grow. By showing them the vegetables, and by explaining to them how eating these vegetables would improve their health, it would provide students with an excellent educational experience. Also you might be able to teach the children about nutrition and then have them go teach their families about what they have learned. Another service learning opportunitty could be having the childen hold a healthy snack "Veggie Sale" opposed to a "Bake Sale," and the proceeds could go to the local Boys and Girls club to support healthy lifestyles of children.

For my service learning project I will be going to the Boys and Girls Club to help teach the children about nutrition and exercise.

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