Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Jessica's Interview on Childhood Obesity and Nutrition

For my interview I spoke with my mom Loretta LaPlante.  Growing up my younger sister was always overweight so I thought it would be interesting to get her opinions on the topic as a parent of an overweight child.  Following is my interview with my mom.

Q: What are your opinions about childhood obesity and nutrition?
A: This is hard. I think childhood obesity is linked to what foods children are offered.  The more nutritious foods that offered the better choices they'll make, but I also think there's more to obesity than nutrition.  Genetics is part of it, as well as the activity levels of the kids.  Children need to just go outside and play.  Kids today spend too much time watching TV or playing video games and spend less time outside just playing.

Q: Is this an issue you see as important?
A: I do think that it is important, but I think that when some kids are obese you can't make it such a big deal.  Children need to be educated on healthy choices and the importance of exercise but they also need to know that just because they are overweight they aren't a bad person.  Making a big deal about their weight also makes other kids think that it's alright to pick at them for their weight.

Q: Do you think others recognize this as an issue?
A: Yes, especially educators.  I think a lot of people are blaming the children and their parents.  We can't dwell on it too much or kids will have eating disorders.  Someone's weight isn't what makes a person, there's more to them than that.

Q: Do you know any policies that the government has in place to deal with these problems?
A: Yes. Michelle Obama is passing the healthy kids act and encouraging healthy eating in schools.  Some schools are also putting healthy snacks and beverages in vending machines, making them more readily available to children.

Q: What are the advantages of this policy?
A: This policy shows kids that there are healthier choices and makes eating them easier.  I also like how it doesn't pinpoint just overweight kids, but all children.  This policy makes for healthier kids, obese or not, and healthier adults.

Q: What are the disadvantages of this policy?
A: This policy may make obese kids feel like outcasts.  Also, when someone mentions obesity I know that your sister used to feel like everyone was immediately looking at her.

Q: How might it be improved?
A: Teachers and educators need to understand and be aware that all students should eat healthy.  Take the obesity factor out and encourage healthy eating and more activities.

Q: Does it need to be replaced?
A: No.  It could be tweaked though.  I think that besides nutrition the policy should focus on all healthy lifestyle choices, such as smoking, drugs, alcohol, and caffeine.  I think that for most people their weight isn't an issue until they become older.  If they are taught about healthy eating at a young age it will be easier for them to retain a healthy lifestyle as they grow older.

Q: Did having a child that was overweight ever affect you?
A: I always felt like people thought I was a bad parent because of it.  Obviously my parenting skills weren't a factor since you were always really thin and ate unhealthier foods.  I always felt like it no good to nag a child about their weight.  The kid needs to make a choice about it or they will never lose the weight.  I also believe that heredity is a part of children's weight.  There are so many factors to it that can't all be fixed with just healthy eating.

My thoughts:
Growing up I was always described as the thin one and my sister was the fat one.  I knew that her weight bothered her and I was also aware of how other peoples comments, many seemingly innocent, affected her.  My parents always had healthy snacks available and offered healthy choices.  There was junk food available, but it wasn't the only options.  My mom would make dinner every night and we rarely ate fast food.  Before this interview I knew that my sister had always felt judged because of her weight and I knew it was a touchy subject.  After talking to my mom I know have more ideas about how you can approach the subject of healthy eating and lifestyles without making any children feel self-conscious or insecure about their weight.  I think that it will be interesting to interview my sister and get her opinions on the subject since she has first-hand experience with it.

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